Associazione riconosciuta legalmente dal governo italiano
Association legally recognised by the Italian government
Nome cinese 中文名称 Chinese name:行人国际文化交流中心
Sede 注册地 Office:Milano 意⼤利⽶兰 Milan
Registrata il 注册时间 Registration date:3/9/2015 – 2015年9⽉3⽇ – 3/9/2015
协会理念Association Purpose:
行文艺之事 做豁达之人
Be an open-minded person, conduct cultural activities!
1 ,行人指路上行走的人,我们是在文艺的道路上行走的人。 Pedestrian means a walking person, while we are those who never stop walking on the road of cultural.
2 ,行人指参加同业商行的商人,我们可以成为文化艺术产业的商人。 Pedestrian refers to a group of peer fellows in the same occupation, while we can become a society group interested in cultural industry.
3 ,行人指走过的人,我们是走过了文艺教育之路的人,因此是可以做文艺教育培训的人。Pedestrian indicates a person who has walked through, while we have experienced long paths of education, therefore we can share our education and training with different people.
4 ,行人也是中国的一个官职,供差遣出使,我们更是文化艺术界的外交官。Pedestrian is also an ancient Chinese official position who is in charge of relaying messages, and we are the diplomats of arts and cultures.
协会发展项目类型Related Activities:
⾏⼈国际⽂化交流中⼼总部设⽴在著名的意⼤利⽂化艺术之都—⽶兰。最初是由⼀群在意留学的⽂艺⻘年组建,现在已经发展成由各国艺术家、设计师、艺术组织、⽂艺爱好者组成的⾮营利性⽂化艺术交流团体。合作伙伴也扩展到具体项⽬相关的各个⾏业。旨在促进中意两国间艺术⽂化领域的密切交流,弘扬中国博⼤的传统艺术⽂化。Pedestrian Association for International Cultural Exchange was established in September 2015, while its headquarter sets in the capital of cultural and arts in Italy – Milan. It is a non-profit organization of arts and cultural exchange, comprised of young Chinese artists, art lovers and artistic organizations. Aims to promote the communication between China and Italy in the field of art and culture between the two countries, carry forward the Chinese traditional arts and culture in abroad.
1 ,与意大利的各大展览馆、历史性博物馆、画廊建立交流合作关系,在意大利以及欧洲推广和弘扬中国文化和艺术,促进中国艺术文化与意大利以及欧洲地区的发展。 Establish the cooperation with the Italian exhibition halls, museums, galleries, and promote the popularization and development of Chinese culture and arts in Italy, as well as Europe.
2 ,促进中意两国高校及美院之间的合作,在中国与意大利组织进行座谈、研讨会、文献出版、青年艺术家驻留计划等文化交流活动。Promote collaboration between universities and academies of arts from Chinese and Italian; hold discussions, seminars, literature publishing, young artists exchanging activities both in China and Italian.
3 ,在当地组织开展中国文化艺术活动,动员在意大利身怀所长的中国文化艺术爱好者定期进行面向公众的表演以及宣传活动,旨在宣传本国优秀艺术文化,并促进各国各种族华人文化艺术爱好者之间的友好交流和往来。Organize the local Chinese cultural and artistic activities; mobilize those talented Chinese to perform arts regularly for the public, to promote excellent Chinese art and culture, furthermore to contribute to the exchange and contacts between Chinese culture and arts of all races.
4 ,组织并邀请意大利知名文化界艺术界人士、各大美院及音乐学院教授与中国艺术文化爱好者进行宣讲交流,为中国文化艺术爱好者了解意大利及欧洲文化艺术建立起桥梁。Invite Italian well-known celebrities of cultural and arts, professors from artistic and musical academies to communicate with Chinese art and culture enthusiasts; build a communication between these parties to help the understanding each other’s raditional culture and arts.
5 , 鼓励和开展文化艺术类交流, 并与其它相关团体, 机构与人士合作开拓本地, 国内和国际之间的文化、艺术类活动。Carry out the cultural and art exchanges, as well as develop culture, art activities in local, national and international with the cooperation from other relevant organizations, institutions and individuals.
意⼤利⾏⼈国际⽂化交流中⼼,向各”⾏⼈”取经,努⼒做⽂化艺术的传承者。让我们共同”⾏⽂艺之事,做豁达之⼈”。We are XINGREN International Cultural Exchange Center in Milan, Italy. We learn from all the “xingren or hangren” (Pronunciation of Chinese characters) and apply ourselves to be the inheritor of culture and art. Let’s act in art and in generosity together!
⾏⼈国际⽂化交流中⼼logo主体形象Logo image of Pedestrian Association for International Cultural Exchange:
Spiegazione del design del logo – logo设计说明 – logo design description:
According to the form of early Oracle’s, the character “walk” seems like a accessible crossroad, which symbolizes that Pedestrian Association for International Cultural Exchange is “a crossroad for convergence talents.” Therefore, the logo is transferred from the shape of early Chinese character “walk”. The four parts of the logo is designed according to the writing sequence of the character “walk”, with removing the center space of the “crossroad”, so that the four written parts of the “walk” converge in the central location, to express the significance “convergence talents “. While designing the word “pedestrian”, each letter of it includes a small part of the character “walk”, in which to deliver the meaning of the union between Chinese and foreign language, as well as the meaning of “ cultural communication between China and the West”.